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eCommerce Web Designing - Custom your Website With These 5 Steps

Keep These 5 Things In Mind And Design Your E-Commerce Website

E-commerce is the most trending, lucrative and most competitive industry over the Internet. And if you want to be successful, you must have a website that gives your visitors an outstanding experience on every page. If this doesn’t happen, you will lose all your customers to the competition. Here are 5 things you must keep in mind while eCommerce Web Designing.

Finding Your Product Should Be Easy

You must make sure that the visitors can find your products easily anytime and on any page. Your website must have easy navigation menus. They should have relevant sub-categories.

For example, if your website sells clothing and lifestyle products, you should have categories like Men, Women, and Kids. You can further sub-categorize them as Formals, Casuals, and Ethnic. And then, under them, you can add further sub-categories relevant to each of them. Now, they can easily find the kind of clothing they are looking for.

eCommerce Web DesigningAll your pages should have clear labeling and the search functionality must be intuitive in a good eCommerce website design. Advanced and Intuitive search helps a customer in finding exactly what they want. They can simply type what they are looking for in the search bar and skip searching for them through the menu. It takes a lot of time and trust in developing the intuitive search function, but it’s worth every second and penny you spend on it.

And make sure you label your products clearly. For example, if a woman is looking for plus size dresses, they should be able to see every dress you have fitting into that search criteria. A customer should able to make out of the reason that makes the product unique in just a look. These things will make your website easy to surf and they could easily find the products they will be looking for.

Highlight The Product

After you have set the search function, your visitors should be able to see and know about them properly. Hence, you must highlight the product through a proper eCommerce Web Designing. It should have a page dedicated to that particular product.

And in that page, you must put some high-resolution images of the product so that they have a clear idea about its color and look. If you have color and size options, they should be able to check them on the same page.

Then, there should be a proper and unique description of the product, along with its qualities, precautions that should be taken with the product and the price. And not to forget exchange and return policies. Mention every important thing about the product, so that, the customers already know what they are buying and on what terms.

Ease Of Buying Multiple Items

Often, no shopper stops at one item. If they like few of them, they would buy them too. Add a cart feature, using the eCommerce Web Designing to ease up the multiple checkout processes. They can collect the items which they like in the cart and buy them all at once when they are ready to do so.

However, it has a downside of having a cart means there are chances that your visitors can leave the purchase incomplete. In that case, if they have registered their email ID, you can send them an email, reminding them about the incomplete purchase.

For some, this might be a spam, but for some, it could be very helpful as they might have left the purchase incomplete due to some reason. And if they have been looking to check out later, they will be happy to get the reminder. This can be the bridge between you and your customer.

Show The Scarcity Of The Products

When you are getting into the eCommerce Web Designing, keep this one thing in mind. Showing the product scarcity is the biggest way of earning more. If they like a product and they see there are many in stock, they might postpone the purchase.

However, if they see the availability of the product is limited, they will buy it then and there. In the eCommerce, all you have to do is add a sentence saying the number of that particular product available with you.

Like, in the place of In Stock, you can add only 6 left, or something like that. This will create a feeling of urgency in them about the product they like. They will worry about them going out of stock before they buy. And they will make their move immediately.

Allow Anyone To Buy

You should make it easy for anyone to buy products from you. That means, don’t force anyone to create an account just for buying a product. That creates a gap between you and your customer.

And that will look for the options where it is easy and quick to buy things. So, if you want to increase your sales, make the entire process easy and hassle-free for them.

And although, it is easy to save the details of the credit cards of the buyers. But it is risky as well. You will always be under the threat of hackers or security lapses and losing the details. By not storing this sensitive information, you stay free of liability and lawsuits while your customers stay safe from the identity theft as well.

Find the right eCommerce web design service and use the above information to create the best eCommerce website for your business. Carefully scrutinize the eCommerce website development company you are going to hire for the website designing. Find out all about them that you could. Ask the people they have worked for before. Take reviews, talk to them, tell them what exactly you are looking for. Ask them all the questions you have. Don’t carry any doubt while you are signing them up for this work. After all, it is your hard earned money you will be spending on the website designing.