Are you ready to go through the most comprehensive web hosting comparison of 2019? This is going to be the right article for you then. As here you’ll be learning all that you need in this matter. Now, there can be a lot of different reasons for which you might be looking for such information.
You might want to start a blog about some topic that you’re really passionate about. Or you might have started a business for which you’ll be needing the best website you can possibly build.
We shall help you derive a detailed insight about all this. Be it the best web hosting for small businesses, or the best web hosting for WordPress.
However, in case you wonder how I’ve decided as to what a good web hosting provider is. And what’s the bad one. Well, allow me to clarify that further.
The 3 Qualities that make a Web Hosting Service Worth the Pay
Web hosting, as you might have guessed is a very important factor if you want to run a website. And yes, do that in the best way possible. And there are quite a few factors that are going to count when it comes to deciding which one to go for.
There are a plethora of different companies from whom you can get your web hosting. Depending upon how much you’re willing to spend for that. However, since you will have a lot of options available, choosing the best one might be a little confusing for you.
But not, if you take into account these 3 pointers. Below we cite the fundamentals which will make the real difference.
- Server locations and load times: If the viewer on your website isn’t getting all the data fast enough. That’s a problem, and it’s a downward spiral from there. Be it the SEO factor of the website, or the traffic retention overall.
- Customer support: Say there’s an emergency, where your website has crashed for whatever reason.that’s where you need professional assistance, and what better way to avail that than from the service provider.
- Security factor: This is absolutely crucial, as protection of the data on your website is of utmost importance. And the data backup comes under this as well.
And there you have the 4 most important factors that go into putting together a web hosting comparison list. Now onto the list itself.
The Web Hosting Comparison List: 2019 Edition
Here I bring to you the list of the best web hosting providers that you can go for. With the service providers, we enlist below, you’ll be getting all the qualities that we’ve mentioned previously.
Now, this isn’t in any particular order or anything, just a list of the best ones today.
Is it a surprise that GoDaddy is here on this list? GoDaddy would certainly make its ways into the list of top rankers when it comes to web hosting services. You’ll be getting some of the best plans and prices for this.
This is a complete service from which you can not only get web hosting services. But also things like buying domains, SSL certificates, and all that good stuff. And with a big name like GoDaddy, there’s going to be absolutely zero issues when it comes to customer support.
With the Linux and cPanel systems that you get, you’ll have very good page load times. Besides, they also offer you full compatibility for CMS, for perfect content publishing.
Prices are optimal, with the Economy plan at $1.00/mo, to the full board Ultimate plan at $5.99/mo.
Big Rock
In the niche of web hosting services, Big Rock is the new kid on the block. However, it’s anything but a ‘kid’ so to say. You’re going to get premium web hosting services, as well as domain purchases if you want to.
They have a very well set framework that’s going to make the process of setting up the website. And then getting it up and running from there, that much easier.
If you’re on a tight budget, and you want to get the best web hosting services that you can. Then Big Rock is going to be absolutely perfect for you, with plans that are very affordable.
The 2 mains ones are the Linux Advanced plan, and the Windows Premium plan. With the former costing you $2.57 a month and $4.30 a month for the latter.
This is also going to bring you some beneficiary SEO advantage, which is as important.
ResellerClub is another fantastic web hosting service you can go for this year. Where you’ll be getting both hosting and domain purchase options as per your needs. The go-to web hosting service for a lot of entrepreneurs, ResellerClub operates throughout the world.
Besides, it offers great customer support services, along with 99.99 uptime. There’s going to be very few problems if any at all if you opt for this one.
Works with a lot of different computer languages like Ruby, Python, PHP, etc. Working with the backend will be a breeze with this.
Prices are optimal and the range covers Personal at $1.99 a month to Pro at $3.99 a month. ResellerClub will do well no matter what your goals are with your website.
One of the best web hosting services in the world without a doubt. HostGator can be a great choice for you in a lot of different scenarios.
The best part comes with the servers, and they are equipped with a plethora of servers. And that too in multiple locations across the globe. So, no matter where you are in the world, there’s going to be zero problems with load times.
The cPanel from this is really user-friendly as well. Thus, you’ll have minimum problems for any kind of setup that you might want to carry out.
Pricing is also nothing exorbitant, from the Hatchling plan at $2.64/mo to the Business plan at $5.68/mo. And with the decade-plus experience of this company, customer support is absolutely top-notch.
There you have it, the web hosting comparison list for this year. Choose from this list, and you’ll be doing away with any kind of annoying concern that website owners might have. That way, you’ll be having all the liberty to excel in creativity for the work you’re doing online.