
5 Cybersecurity Trends That Could Challenge Your Data Protection Plan in 2018

Data protection means that the protection of the fundamental privacy rights of data subjects. Data subjects include Security and Confidentiality of Personal Data. Nowadays IT industries are facing the challenge of data security.
To achieve the data protection goal, IT industries should concern for the following things-
Execution of high-quality backups which is frequently enough to meet the organizational’s recovery objectives.
Storing the backups with reliability on-premises storage.
The backups should be cost-effective.
It is also necessary to protect those back-ups from outages
provides the ability to hold those data for a long time period

The Five Data Center Trends

A data center provides a storing place which provides houses computing facilities like servers, routers, switches and as well as firewalls. It also provides supporting components like backup equipment, fire suppression facilities and as well as air conditioning.
But, to meet the requirements of IT industries has become difficult now. The emergence of five data center trends which force organizations to re-examine their data protection strategy or sometimes shift to new solutions or to adapt the existing ones.

“The Shift to Hybrid IT”

In this Datacenter trend, there is a shifting from siloed applications with clustered applications. The functions of the siloed application are to solve a problem on its own. But the cluster application method turns multiple computer services into a cluster. It aims to make a group of applications onto a single one.
The clustered environment count on more of a shared everything model instead of a single approach. Also, the cluster environment is able to run on premises in the cloud or hybrid cloud. It also moves from one premise to other premises as well.
But, it suffers from the challenge of Data protection. The data protection applications must be more data-centric. It should “follow the data” instead of focusing on a physical machine and backup data.
The other limitations for Hybrid IT is that it should spin up its workloads without caring the notifications of IT operations. The backup solution should have the ability to detect new data and information and protect it from outages.

Cyber-Threats like Ransomware

It gives a new path to the hacker to make money with their efforts. Firstly they used to remove some important data and information from organizations. But nowadays they are making some applications which encrypt all the information which they want to encounter from an organization. In order to unlock the system, the organizations have to pay money to the hackers. In return, they will provide the encryption key to the organization. After getting this ransom payment they again develop some more nefarious code. In this way, they give birth to a ransom industry.
Ransomware has placed three new challenges in front of the data protection process of IT
IT should protect the data and information more frequently than ever. Ransomware sometimes targets the user data which usually stored in home directories or file servers. Ransomware has no time to attack. It can strike anytime so it becomes necessary to protect these data everytime.
The second challenge for IT in the data protection process is to keep the backup data more securely. Because ransomware strikes the backup data itself only. Not only the backup data but also its configuration files require strict protection. Otherwise if ransomware attacks then it becomes impossible to recover those data from these configuration files.
Organizations also need to recover the file server and NAS system much more quickly. Sometimes it has observed that some organizations pay the ransomware industry for the recovery of files and data. Because if the file server and the NAS system are not maintained then the recovery of files and data becomes time-consuming.

Cloud Storage and Cloud Compute

Nowadays every organization started adapting the cloud strategy. Most of the organization are looking to move their organization data and applications to the cloud to leverage cloud computing. these applications can be transferred in two ways. First, you can transfer these applications to clouds permanently or when the on-premise resources are running. Also, the organizations shifting their software to SaaS (“Software as a Service”) applications like
Despite being these advantages of cloud computing it has some limitations also. It has to face some problem in Data protection process
The transferable application should support cloud storage.
Secondly, the data protection must support the cloud migration which helps to move the data from the cloud to the on-premise environment and also to bring back the data to a cloud.
Apart from those, IT should protect the data from internal and external threats. At last the backup solution should assist the cloud exit in migrating cloud data on premises.

Mission Critical App Proliferation

Nowadays the growth of unstructured data is increasing which promotes the growth in the number of applications which helps in deploying organizations. Mobile, IoT and analytics processing helps to bring the applications online quickly.
Sometimes the backup should recover quickly. But due to lack of maintenance of NAS system, it takes time to recover. Mission Critical App Proliferationhelps to increase the backup time.
The main challenge for IT professionals is that they suffer from slow recovery of backups. It also needs “frequent, low impact backups data protection with the storage system and lives or instant recovery”. Instant recovery of the backups is more important. It saves the transferable time between backup system to the primary storage system.

The Rise of Remote Office Computing

Nowadays the remote workers are more prevalent. Every organization allows there employee to work from anywhere with a Wi-Fi connection. Companies are becoming more geographically diverse than ever. They are also creating new office pods so employees don’t all have to commute into a single corporate headquarter. The networking between the offices has become easier.
The rise of remote offices rises to a computing demand which challenges data protection as well. Due to that the data protection solution has to protect the new office without requiring local IT staff. It has to be bandwidth efficient and leverage efficiencies.


The above five trends challenge the strategies of Data Protection. to get rid of these challenges the IT industry should make solutions in such a way which provides data-centric protection, data-efficient protection, and rapid data movement etc.

Ricardo J. Farris

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